Wednesday 26 December 2012

Case#5 Negative publicity: Companies assume different strategies to deal with crisis management

   Well, let start with the word “Negative publicity” it means that telling something bad and it could lead to the bad effect in the future for example like it will reduce the population of the company or we could use the Negative publicity to destroy the image of the competitor’s companies.

    So, as a Thai people, I will show you for the example, in Thailand, it is illegal to compare you product to the competitor’s product I’m not so sure about it but I will try to explain. In Thai law, it is like a gap between the laws that if you are going to compare your product to the competitor’s product it will be like if your product is better so the customer will not buy the competitor’s product for sure but in this case, Thai government want to improve the economy in Thailand so that they will not allow to compare the product between each another because we are both paying taxes to the government so if only your product is sold then the government will only get the tax from you. This is like one way for the negative publicity.
     But in America, they allow to compare the product because they think that it is the customer’s choice, they have choices to choose. So, if you want your product to be sold in America, you have got to make the quality of your product to be the best and the costs will also rise and I can make sure that if your quality of your product is good and the price is not that expensive, your product will be popular.

Case#4 Did Janet Jackson’s Wardrobe Malfunction Help’s Success?

     Well, in this case, it is quite complicated to say about it. Let talk about this news first, in the American super bowl XXXVIII or we can easily know as an American football which is very very popular in the United State and I can promise you that there would be a lot of media involved and then there was something bad happed.

     Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake were in charged for this show and while they were singing and dancing, I don’t know that it was an accident or not that the right breast of Janet Jackson comes out and everyone in the stadium or even in front of the home television were shocked because they saw something that they were not expected to see and then after the show ended this situation was so much popular because people were talking about this. Some said she just wanted to promote her new album or some said it was only just an accident.
      However, for this case will be remembered by people for a very long time because it was a first time that something like this happened and it was the first time that the public saw something like this. For me, I personally believe that it is some kind of promoting her new album and it is not a good idea there are so many ways to advertise and she is a famous singer so she can easily promote in another ways.

Case#3 Mountain Dew and Other Brands Use Extreme Sports to connect with Gen Y

     Well, I will explain first about the Gen Y for some of you that do not know what Gen Y is. Well, Gen Y is the group of people aged 15-30 so it can easily divided to the teenager group. So, the special thing for Gen Y is that they want to learn something new it is like a time to find that what are they want to be.

     So, the extreme sport is quite dangerous and exciting so it really math for the Gen Y because this kind of generation want to do something exciting and in the other way we could think that they just want to prove that they are valuable so they just do not care that this kind of sport is dangerous for example like skateboarding, roller breaking.

      Then, I will show you for the example of one of the product that related to the extreme sport and it is really famous in the worldwide, Red bulls is the product for drinking to refill the energy for the drinker because of the extreme sport is using so much energy to play then they can gain a lot of profit in this case as you can see that in the television, most of the sponsor for the extreme sport is Red bulls and the player of this kind of sport is Generation Y.

Case#2 A great marketing opportunity ---- To cheat?

     A great marketing opportunity is not a cheating way, I believe that it is one of the chance that could make the difference. There are so many way to make a great marketing opportunity for example like a using internet to promote the product.

     Internet is one of the famous way that people like to advertise their product because if people using another way to promote for example like television, they have to pay for the television channel for a lot of money and it is not that long some of the television channel will approve only 10 second and pay for 1 million baht but if people use internet to promote their product they don’t have to pay just only register for some of the social media like Facebook or twitter.

     I personally believe that using some of the social media is not a cheating way it is quite complicated to say that if there is a chance to get the income or profit so you better hurry up because time is still running, technology is always improved.

Blog#4 The common mistake in Tourism

     Well, I have got some experiences form last year that I had attended for the job training. I went to the Bonanza hotel in Korat. Firstable, I was not expected to go there because it is too far from my home. It is like a homesick person but however, I got there.
    In the first day that I got there, it was like I have to reset all of the knowledge I got and refill for all of the commands that the leaders gave me. In my first position, I was a waiter, it is not easy like I expected because all of the customer just wanted the best from us, best services, best foods so the first mistake that I have leant was that there was one of the tour group which ordered Pad-Thai so I got the order and sent it to the chief but in the kitchen, there was no material for making Pad-Thai and I have to go and tell them that we are really sorry for disappointed but there is no material to make Pad-Thai. So I had got complains directly, even it was not my fault but as a team I have got to responsible for this case.
    Second mistake that I have leant was that, there was one on the tour group calling to the call center (room service) and the problem was that the swimming pool is not ready to use because it is so messy with the leafs and they are about to use now so I called to the pool service but there was no one answering my phone call. Finally, I got another complain from this tour group independently but again as a team, I have to be responsible for this case.
    There were just some of the mistakes that could be happened everywhere in the world but what I have actually leant is that if you are working as a provider or the one that serve somebody else so it means that they will pay you just for one reason and it is your service. So be provided for your best service if you want to work as a provider.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Blog#3 My life in ruins

     Have you ever thought about Greece, Olympia or Parthenon?  Most of people may know about Greece architecture but it’s not for Georgia who is main character of ‘My life in ruins’ movie. Georgia is tour guide of Greece who addict to all about Greece both history and culture. She is leading group tour to see architecture or ancient of Greece. But not everybody will interest in history or architecture. Certainly tourists want entertain and enjoy when travel, but Georgia is seriously and say only boring information of each tourist attraction. She thinks her life is very boring and she didn’t look to her power. Because of negative thinking make she found bad group of tourist and bad side of her life. One day Georgia met one of tourists in her tour group he name Irv Gideon. Gideon teaches her in new attitude and made her enjoy with her life and her work. Just change the attitude to positive thinking, after that Georgia is better feeling about her life and fun with work.
            Georgia still met new bus driver is Prokopi Kakas. Prokopi is positive thinking. He thinks he has best position on bus because driver can see the best view of Greece before others and nothing intercept. Furthermore he falls in love with Georgia. Among beautiful architecture of Greece, everything around Georgia’s life trend to better and better, in consequence of understanding of others.   
            Moreover, Georgia has other tourists that are colorful of this time such as Mr. and Mrs.Sawchuck both are stingy, Mr. and Mrs.Tullen and their daughter who is moody all time because of quarrel’s parent, one husband who has walked defective and wife who is thievish, and a group of Austrailians. On the other hand, Georgia met Nico who is leader of other tour group that bad habit and like persecute her frequently and he still corporate with Maria who is owner of Tour Company for choose good tourists in his tour group.
            Nico is one of obstacle in Georgia’s life but in my opinion the main obstacle of Georgia is her attitude that made her unhappy with life and not belief in her power. After Georgia change her mind that will be affected to her life and made her happy with life and happy with work that she loves.     
            Overall of ‘My life in ruins’ is good romantic comedy movie. Although movie is not emphasize on beautiful location of Greece as I expected but this movie presents a good view of life and Georgia’s feeling to Greece. Therefore this movie is presented about good feeling that happen on good place like Greece. 

Sunday 23 December 2012

Case#1 The internet: Does it mean the death of television advertising

     Well, according to the writer, he said ”the number of viewers skipping or not watching TV commercials has not significantly declined over the past few years” it means that most of the people who is watching the television programs will skip the advertising in the break time because it is not what they want to watch.
     At this moment, internet is very effective for our whole world because the technology is always improving and all of the communication technology is also developed then there are so many ways to promote the product through internet. People are always like to do everything easily and convenience, I do believe that in our home, there will always has one computer or laptop at least one so that they can connect to the internet and communicate to each other easily. But at this point, it does not mean that internet will end the television commercial generation, we are still using or watching because we want to do even it is like old fashioned but I believe that it is like a classic way to promote the product. Try to imagine that if you are going to promote your product, which way will you like to use? Firstable, think about the reason or fact first, the mature in Thailand do not use the internet because they don’t know what for, television is the only thing that entertain them and in the research, most of the profits are from the television advertisement. It is more effective than using internet.  Somehow, some of the producer will choose the internet because it is not expensive to promote the product. As the writer have mentioned about this before that “Time will prove everything”

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Blog#2 Destination in Thailand

     Well, let me just start with the most common country which could gain so much benefit from the travelling in ASEAN is Thailand. So, I am Thai and I really appreciate that my country could make name for itself to be the “land of smile” which is really true and you can easily prove it or even the traveler who come and visit my country will definitely agree that the culture of Thailand is smiling so smiling could be the advertising trademark for Thailand.
     So, there are so many places or city in Thailand which are really amazing and wonderful. For example like Bangkok, Bangkok is one of the favorite cities where the customer would like to go because of the food, culture, convenience malls, JJ market. Well, I believe that all of you guys are already known Bangkok so If it is possible, I would really like suggest you to the another city in Thailand which is the number one destination that could absolutely make the customer enjoy with it, relax and give them the unforgettable memory. Phuket is the island and it is in the south part of Thailand. I said that It is an island so there must be the sea around Phuket, there are so many beaches which could make you to enjoy with good viewpoints, five star hotels, amazing foods, spa. So, in Phuket, I would like to let you know that the best beach in Phuket is Patong beach, I have experienced it myself and there was an unvalueable memory for me which I could not forget it. I wasn’t expected to see such a nice trip like this, people are so nice and there always smile when we are talking.
     So, if you haven’t planned any destination that you would not forget it, I am so glad to recommend you that Phuket would be the best destination in Thailand. You will never forget and expect to see such amazing trip like this before, I promise.

Friday 7 December 2012

Harnessing the Science of Persuasion

     In this case, harnessing the Science of persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, he said the persuasion is gifted or talent, not everybody has it but just only some but I personally believe that the power of persuasion can be trained it means that it can improve or develop. Everybody could have this kind of power. So I will show you one of the advertisements in Thailand.
     This advertisement is about the internet of one network. They used one of the famous actor in Thailand, he is really popular and also looking good in all ways, so everybody in Thailand know him, he is trying to persuade us to use this kind of network, he said, it is this network is faster than others. So in this case, the owner of this internet network is trying to persuade us to use this internet by using one of the famous actors in Thailand, it is like a role model, just like the actor use it and everybody who love him will do whatever he does. So the owner of this internet network could gain much profit by the social proof.
     So, this case is one of the theories which is about the social proof. For example, this popular actor is accepted by most of the Thai people so the company hired him to be the role model of this advertisement, and put an interesting sound. So let’s see J

Monday 3 December 2012

The Lake House

     Well, this is 21.20am on 4/12/2555, after watching The lake house, tons of tear came out from my eyes. I have never seen such a romantic movie in my whole life like this. Firstable, I was trying to sleep, I knew that it was too late but at least I have tried and I couldn’t then I was laying on my bed and shutting my mind but accidently, I looked up at the TV and I realized that the actor in this movie was Keanu Reeves, I remembered his face from some of the movie like The matrix and I like him, he is a great actor and the actress is Sandra Bullock, she is incredible, amazing, wonderful and really beautiful. So, I started watching this movie.
     In the movie, Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock as Alex Wyler and Kate Forster, respectively an architect living in 2004 and a doctor living in 2006. The two meet via letters left in a mailbox at the lake house they have both lived in at separate points in time; they carry on correspondence over two years, remaining separated by their original difference of two years. For Alex the time goes from 2004 to 2006. For Kate the time goes from 2006 to 2008.
      Personally, I have to say that this is the only romantic movie that I would like to recommend to all of you guys. Keep in touch J

Friday 30 November 2012

My imagination

     Well, it is about my imagination, I just want to share to all of you guys. It could mean nothing to you or something to you but whatever my imagination is like a one side imagination. 

     It began with there was a girl that I really like her. She is really cute (for me). And she is younger than me for 2 years and she had boyfriend and that was really sad for me but I still like her not just her appearance but also with her habit. She is my type. I have been falling in love with her at the first sight, the first time I saw her face was like all the things around me stopped, it’s like in the movie haha. One day, I have heard that her heart was broken, I don't know that it is a good news or bad but actually I was thinking like this is my chance to replace the position. then I talked to her like a nice brother, she trusted me and I was a good brother for her (she didn't know that I like her) and we kept on talking like this for 5 months and here is the thing, I have decided that I will tell her that I like her so I told her that I really like her then she was shocked and surprised she said she never know this before and then we started calling and for 2 months and It was a nice period for me we kept on texting and making a new relationship and a couple but one day, I saw something that was really surprised me, I saw her picture with her friend in Facebook, he is a boy and there was nothing special but when I saw the forth comment in Facebook, he said she is my girlfriend, I was shocked for a while, nothing is in my mind, speechless, feeling like a jerk, attempted to be her boyfriend but I have never known that she had already returned to her ex-boyfriend, she never tell me that she had already returned to her ex-boyfriend.
     So, this relationship ended with nothing, what I got from this relationship is I have known this girl that the appearance means nothing, I don’t know what to say but guys, I just want to let you know that if you really want to build up a relationship with someone, think carefully before it is too late :( , keep in touch guy J

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Put your foot into others shoe

     Firstable, I’m really sorry that I have not introduced myself to all of you guys, let me introduce myself first. My name is Nuttapol Wikitpaisarn, I know that it is quite difficult for you to read it so you can easily call me “Kung”. It is the easiest way to say my name (Thai people like to make their first name or even last name long as possible as they can and I don’t really know the reason why. I will definitely give you guys for more information if you want). So the thing that I’m going to share you is about habit of people I have met in the negative way or it could be define by this quote. “Put your feet in others shoes”.

     Let me just mention this first, I have seen this kind of people around me, it is my real experience. There were some people around me in the cafeteria in my university. There were like three guys in the cafeteria who were having lunch then they were talking so loud and laughing like a jerk. I was like oh my God; don’t you know how to have lunch in the public place? Then it was annoying to ALL of people in the cafeteria. Finally, I and my friends were realized that just let it go ( I don’t know guys, if you were me, maybe you would remind them for their action but I wasn’t) then when I and my friends left, they were still making the rude joke loudly and annoying.

     In this case, I have realized to myself that if I were them, will I do that for getting the attention from others? And the answer is No!! Definitely no, there are so many way to get the attention from others like doing a good thing for the community, playing instrument for getting money and donate to the charity, a lot, really J. And I have no idea that will those guys be able to think what were they doing and realize it like what I do. And I personally hope that NoL. Thank you guys for visiting my blog. Last but not least, keep in touch J

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Motivated commercial

There are so many commercials for advertising the product but there are only few commercials that proposed you for the motivation, ability or opportunity to continue living with the new goals and I (as a writer of this blog) personally believe that in this world, some people live for the fortune, some live for the fame, some live for the power and some are living for nothing.

I have seen this commercial for a long time, this commercial made by Thai insurance company. The story is about there is a woman asked the doctor to deliver her child before the due date and the doctor said “why”, she only said “we are running out of time”. In the first time that I watched this commercial I was wondering why she has to do the operation before the due time. And I was asking my mother that “Does it hurt to deliver a child before the due time?” And my mother said “Did you hurt?” I was shocked for a while!!……. There is some words in my mind like “Oh my god, I have never known this before” and I asked my mother that “Did you hurt?” then she said “Yes it does” and it is like a dead air for a minute, I am speechless, no word come out from our mouth for a while. I realized that this is really mean to me, the love which from family is true and this is my story. It began because I and mother saw this commercial accidently. It motivates me to do everything for my family.

So, I don’t know that what are you living for guys, but let me just remind you something which is the key of my living. Love is the main part of my life. Lastly, I would like to thank this commercial for reminding me that even you are alone, nowhere to go, no place to live, there is always a place for you. It called “Home”.  :)

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Blog#1 Tourism effect to the youth like us

In this moment, there are so many businesses around the world that getting increasing just like someone said “the world is goes fast, run faster”. And this word is really true and I personally believe that we have known that the world will never stop running how why should we? And one of the businesses which is growing up so fast is Tourism.
                As I have mentioned before, Tourism business is growing up quite fast because at this moment, people always like to fresh up themselves by going somewhere else that they have never been through. I have asked myself that going out and staying at home which one is the best answer, and the answer will definitely be going out because staying at home is like a same story that you do every day and the nature of human is like doing the same thing every day is making them bored. So people like to fill their energy up by hanging out. So this is really affected to the youth society like us a lot because the tourism company could gain money from the youth and the youth is one of the main groups that will spend a lot of money and the youth have power to effort the tourism costs so that it will not be any problem why the tourism business could not grow up rapidly.
                Well, tourism business is like a business that they have to invest much money to build or to make it grow up efficiently because if the owner of the company really likes to make the tourism business with quality then they have to put much money on it. However, if I have got a lot of free time then what I really like to do is spending time with this kind of business or talk to the owner. So Keep in touch guys J

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Joneses

     There are so many reasons for living, some people are living for the fame, fortune, honor and money and right now, we cannot deny that money is one of the key which people are working for. We all want to have the wonderful life and money can really help us to reach that point because if we have enough money so that we could buy whatever we wanted to buy and it really makes us happy so that this is the reason why money is quite important for living.

     And in this case, the movie is about one of the fake family, including with fake father, fake mother, fake son and lastly fake daughter and they are working in the same company and the reason why they are living together is that they want to sell their product which is about the accessary or the comfortable thing which can make living style increase so that their neighborhoods want to be popular to get in the high society then their neighborhood buy their product so the fake family can get the income and then the accessary or the item is always changing and updating so that the neighborhood or the people who wants to be popular need to by their product. Finally, one of their neighborhoods has so many debts in bank account because the neighborhood was spending money without thinking carefully and there is no way to find the best solution so the he was killing himself to solve the problem.

     However, people are always working for gaining money to buy whatever they want so that in their mind, they need to do everything to get whatever they want without thinking carefully so it leads to the cause of death and it is a great example for all of us to learn the advantage and disadvantage of this film.