Saturday 9 February 2013

Annual report of BTS

     Well, I think it is going to be my last blog for this week, I don’t know guys that how much do you know about the annual report so in this case, I am the one who is going to give you for the information that you really need to know for this. Annual report is a one kind of report that represents the things which has happened last year or it is actually like a one year report. So the organization that I am going to talk about their annual report is BTS.

     BTS (Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited) is the first electric mass transit railway system to commerce operations in Thailand and the first project was first made by the private organization and it was first working on 5th December 1999, almost 15 years ago and it is really useful for the Thai people.

     Well, in this case, I will explain to all of you guys about this table, for 2011/2012, the operating revenue of the organization or this company and the subsidiaries increased for 33.5 percent and it cost 7864.8 million baht, it effected from the all three primary business and it was a strongly growth for the mass transit for 65.8 percent, media 24.9 percent, property 9.3 percent and services 0 percent and all of this information can be seen in the breakdown by business unit and for the cost of sales totaled 4033.3 million baht, it increased for 654.4 million baht or 19.2 percent YoY(year on year).

     Well, and for this table, the company is showing the key risks, it means that which could effect to the company.

      So, these are just examples of the annual report, the company has to show the income that they have got to the government and pay taxes directly to the government so it will resolve the problem of cheating.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Case#9 BzzAgent

     Well, at the moment, a lot of people are unemployed it means that people don’t have work to do to get the salary for living. In this case, people don’t have work to do or they are unemployed for any reasons like the problem of economic or the problem of their skills, so right now, there is some company that are willing to help people to find their jobs like BzzAgent.

     BzzAgent is the website that helping people who don’t have job or they are unemployed and this website is like an agent for the people, and this website is like a resume for example like, if I have no work to do and I really need the job to continue living or to improve the quality of living so I have to go and visit this website, and then I have to fill the information about me or it is like I have to write my profile to them and then the Bzzagent will find the right job which is suitable for me, it could be any jobs for example like McDonalds or KFC if they are finding the employee so this website will be offering me to take that jobs and some of you guys may consider that what does this website for and how does this website get the income or how this website survive so the answer is that this website is gaining the taxes from me for applying the job just a little percent but it will be a big money if there are a lot of visitors and the way how this website surviving is that the people will advertise or promote this website to their friends so that this website will become more popular.

     Finally, there are a lot of people who is unemployed and they really really need to work for getting the money and this website, BzzAgent is willing to help them to solve this problem so that as a writer, I really have to thank this kind of agent for helping people so even it is just a small spot of the community but it really help and if the number of unemployed people is decreasing then the economy of that country will be better than ever.

Case#8 Media faces challenges in maintaining the wall

     Well, at the moment, we all know that advertisement is really important and useful for promoting the product or represent the products to the others and advertisement could be in the radio, television, newspaper and so on, advertisement could be anything but it needs to be public so that it will be benefit to the owner. I personally believe that television is the most efficient way to promote the product because all of the people are watching television but not all of people reading news or listening to the radio.

     Some of the companies are not the good models for the public, it is actually most of the companies are lying to the customer, it means that they give the wrong information for their product. For example like there is one company that selling the toothpaste and then the quality of their product is 6 over 10 but in the advertising way, they present their product unreal, they might say that their quality is 9 over 10, so that the people who does not know the truth believe them and then this is the way how they advertise their products.

     Finally, I just want to remind you guys that please don’t lie to the people if you are giving them the information because if in case they are telling you for the fake information and then you believe them so that when you are using their product, you will be unhappy about it, or in the phrase say called “put your foot in the other shoe” so please do not lie to the others and make sure that your information that you are giving is true. Think carefully guys.

Case#10 Why advertisement is important?

     Well, let say hello to all of you guys who is visiting my blog. I’m really glad that I have a chance to share to all of you about the story or even the case study so today I’m going to talk about the case study and the name of this case is “Quiet please, the commercials are coming on”

     Well, in this case, the writer is mentioned about the Super bowl, there are a lot of company that want to advertise their product during the break time of the match because Super Bowl or the other name that we all know is that American football, this kind of sport is really popular in the United State so that there will be no reason that everybody or company have to pay much money or they have to invest a big money for this case, in the case study say that, some company pay for 2.4 million bucks to be one of the advertisement in the break time for just only 10 second, but the influence of this is really high because as I have mentioned to you that the American football in USA is really popular so that millions of people are watching the advertisement so that it could make a lot of income for the advertiser. And according to the case study that the comparison of male and female for watching the advertisement during the break time, they say that, male is really enjoying the match more than the advertisement or it could easily say that the male doesn’t care much about the advertisement, they just want to watch only the game but for the female, they don’t really care about the match because they don’t know how to play they just want to see what advertisements are in the television during the break time because they think that if they have some of the products from the television during the break time of Super Bowl, they could be famous.

     Finally, I personally believe that for the advertisement, it always has the two sides effect, good and bad effect, for example like, if some companies want to destroy the competitor by using the advertisement, yes, they can do that and it is really useful but actually, it is the ethics that remind them for this case. There are a lot of website that want to be the one of the sponsors during the break time but it is not easy, they have to fight for this place.

Case#7 Nike

    Well, as we all known that China has become one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the world, there are some reasons that China is coming into the top country of the world, let me suggest you for this case because I have found some research about this case they said, Chinese leaders understand the level of the economic and understand the quality of living of the people and the leader of China trying to push their country to be the most powerful country in the world.

     So, every countries around the world want to deal business with China because those countries know that China is one of the most powerful country in the world so that every want to do business with. Well, if talk about one of the biggest company in the world, Nike is the one, Nike is one of the biggest and popular companies in America. Nike is selling the equipment for example like clothes, shoes, pants and hats so Nike is one of the successful company in China because of their marketing.

     Nike use Chinese superstar in sport to promote their products, so that a lot of Chinese people believe that even their superstar use it so it means that the quality of the product must be great so Nike could gain a lot of income in this case, by the way, in China, the population in China is really high so the way to become celebrity or superstar in China must be hard because people there want to be famous so as a celebrity, he could gain much money from the sponsor like Nike and also with Nike could gain the number of customer from China. 

Case#6 Video News Releases: Promoting the news or deceptive advertising

 Well, after the long time that I haven’t come to share you for the story or even the case study, so I think that this is the right time for continuing blogging, so the case study that I am going to share you is that Video News Releases: Promoting the news or deceptive advertising.

     Right now, VNR or video news release is one of the tools for advertising something in the public relation which means that some of the VNRs could be view by public so that it could change the attitude of people by viewing this, it is really effected for the value of the product because in every actions of the advertisement, it has two sides, good and bad so it depends on how the producer make the advertisement. In fact, the producer could harm the competitors by making the advertisement which is attack them. In the other hand, the producer can make the advertisement for showing the quality of the product so that it will increase the number of the income and it is really useful.

     In fact, some of the advertisements are not that good as they presented for example, some of the company who has a lot of money to promote the product by using the public relation on the television so that they could make the advertisement unreal. Finally, the advertisement has 2 side, good and bad, it depends on the people that and advertisement is so valuable so use it carefully.