Well, I think it
is going to be my last blog for this week, I don’t know guys that how much do
you know about the annual report so in this case, I am the one who is going to
give you for the information that you really need to know for this. Annual report
is a one kind of report that represents the things which has happened last year
or it is actually like a one year report. So the organization that I am going to
talk about their annual report is BTS.
BTS (Bangkok Mass
Transit System Public Company Limited) is the first electric mass transit
railway system to commerce operations in Thailand and the first project was first
made by the private organization and it was first working on 5th
December 1999, almost 15 years ago and it is really useful for the Thai people.
Well, in this
case, I will explain to all of you guys about this table, for 2011/2012, the
operating revenue of the organization or this company and the subsidiaries
increased for 33.5 percent and it cost 7864.8 million baht, it effected from
the all three primary business and it was a strongly growth for the mass
transit for 65.8 percent, media 24.9 percent, property 9.3 percent and services
0 percent and all of this information can be seen in the breakdown by business
unit and for the cost of sales totaled 4033.3 million baht, it increased for 654.4
million baht or 19.2 percent YoY(year on year).
Well, and for
this table, the company is showing the key risks, it means that which could
effect to the company.
So, these are just examples of the annual
report, the company has to show the income that they have got to the government
and pay taxes directly to the government so it will resolve the problem of