Tuesday 15 January 2013

Blog#7 Thai silk

     Well, say hello to you guys again and I am really glad that I have a chance to talk to you again, really miss you guys out there, so this time I have an order to talk about the difference between Thai silk and others such as, Chinese silk, Indian silk so let’s start for the information of Thai silk.

     Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms and actually, most of the Thai silks are from Khorat. So, Khorat province is the center of the silk industry in Thailand and it has been like this for many many generations and it will be like this for very long time because in Khorat province, they have prepared the place for the Thai silk industry for making with a good quality and they are really professional because Thai silk is actually in the Thai project of OTOP (it called One Tambon One Product) which means that in every Tambon or province must represent one good product from there to be sold or to be exported which has to be represented that province to increase the number of visitors.

     So, let’s talk about the Chinese silk, China is one of the first countries that produce the silk as you can see that in the Chinese movie that the king and the queen are wearing Chinese silk. And the quality of Chinese silk is smooth and satiny but it is actually expensive so just only richer could offer and for the Indian silk is actually softer than Chinese silk but it includes with lots of color and for             Thai silk is really smooth and soft because it made by the hands of the professionals or it is a handicraft product so I can guarantee that Thai silk is one of the beautiful silk in the world.

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