Wednesday 30 January 2013

Blog#10 Ayutthaya

     Well, say hello to all of you again guys, really miss to share you for of the information I have got. So, today I am going to share the information about Ayutthaya province. Well, I believe that all of you guys already know that there are a lot beautiful places in Thailand that the tourist want to travel for example like Phuket, Changmai, Bangkok and etc. So, today I am going to give you the information why Ayutthaya province is one of the most beautiful places in Thailand.

     Ayutthaya province was the capital of Thailand for 300 years ago, Ayutthaya was the main province that used to be the most famous place for trading to others countries, for example, China, Vietnam, India, Japan and Persia and then Portugal, Spain, Netherland and France came up for the new traders in Ayutthaya and the thing is that King Narai(who is the king in Thailand for that time) had a strong relationship with the King Louis XIV of France so it means that France could be the popular trader in that time.

     Well, right now Ayutthaya is one of the most popular provinces for the tourists because of the long history with the ancient temples for example like Wat yai chai mongkol, this temple is really popular in Ayutthaya, a lot of tourists come to Ayutthaya just for visiting this temple. Well, for the product that can represent Ayutthaya is that the agriculture, as you known that Ayutthaya is in the center of Thailand so most of the provinces which are located in the center will do the agriculture. 

Saturday 26 January 2013

Blog#9 RMUTT open house

Well, last week, in my university made the open house project. Firstable, let me tell you for the name of my university is Rajamangala University of technology Thanyaburi. Well, in 18-20 january 2013, the university is providing the chances for all of the high school students to know the atmosphere if they are going to study here in Rajamangala University.

The university has provided the places for all of the high school students to come and learn for the trips when they are going to be the university student for example like in the conference room, the university provided the speakers to give the suggestions for the student. And all of the faculties in the university is trying to convince the students to be one of them, the faculties are showing the best point of views for each then it depends on the opinion of the students do they want or not.

For the highlights for the open house is that in the evening, there will be a lot of shops, I mean that if the student or whoever want to sell the product then they have to contact the university first then they could set the shop, so there is a lot of people who want to be the seller and one of my friend is the seller for the Kaw-mun-kai (rice with the chicken) he told me that just only one night, he could make the income for 3000 bath, well, it doesn’t matter that how much did he get but the matter is that he could work by himself for receiving money without asking from parents, so this is the good point. And about 8.00pm, there will be free movie for the visitor until 2.00am so this could make the visitors happy and relax J

Blog#8 Tourism trends in Thailand

Well, I would like to say hello to all of you guys, really miss to share the post. Ok, for the post that I am going to talk about is that “Tourism trend for Thailand”. Well, if mention about Thailand, what can you guys imagine of? Ok, let me tell you this, In Thailand, I would like to suggest to you guys that there are a lot of interesting places for example like beaches, temples, mountains etc.

For the tourism trends in Thailand, as we also known that the weather is always increasing so people are also trying to search for the place that they could relax then Thailand has prepared the places for them for example beaches, this is really interesting and exciting because there will be no place to make the people be happy and relax just like Thai’s beaches because the weather is really hot.

Well, the foreign tourists are all expected that the quality for the service in Thailand is increasing. I didn’t say that the quality now is not good but it should be better than this before in 2015 is time for the ASEAN it means that the tourism market is expanding so that if the quality of services in Thailand is the best so that I could make sure that the profit or income will absolutely be increasing and for the problem for the foreign tourists is that most of Thai people could not speak English then it means that Thai people cannot communicate to them so it is really hard to make the tourists happy. Well, let me suggest for the way to resolve this problem is that Thai government should provide the school for teaching the local people to learn English. This is really important and it could take much money to do this but I personally believe that it will be fair enough in the business way.

Friday 18 January 2013

The publicity strategy for changing the style of Thai people eats

     Well, right now, we believe that McDonald’s is one of the biggest fast food companies in the world because McDonald’s know how to adapt the strategy into whatever countries that McDonald’s wants to expand the business, it means that McDonald’s has prepared the strategies before expanding the business.
     Let’s talk about the McDonald’s in Thailand, the strategies are really different from America because the people in America mostly do not eat pork so that the menu of McDonald’s must be based on the people’s tastes, lifestyle then they came up with chicken, beef and fish menu to be prepared to the American. So, in Thailand, McDonald’s know the tastes and lifestyle of Thai people then they came up Kaw-tom as a new menu for the breakfast set. Kaw-tom is rice with pork and mixed up with Thai ingredients plus Thai soup and served in a bowl. We really believe that this menu is one of the popular menus in Thailand because McDonald’s knows that the living style of Thai people is quite rushing, people are so hurry to do everything then it is suitable for the business man in Bangkok and also suitable for everybody who is quite hurry to go to work or school but wanted to have breakfast. In this case, McDonald’s broke up the rules of junk food. Before, McDonald’s known as one of the junk food because they prepared Hamburger which is less benefit for the customers who wanted to take their meals quickly so the customers buy hamburger to save their time but right now, with Kaw-tom menu, people will get the benefit of Thai ingredients, pork and rice so that it will not be junk food anymore.
     Well, as we mentioned before that McDonald’s broke the rules of junk food in Thailand, we believe that McDonald did some research of the living style of Thai people and the tastes of Thai people then they came up with this menu for supporting the publicity strategy and we believe that McDonald’s did well for this case.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Blog#7 Thai silk

     Well, say hello to you guys again and I am really glad that I have a chance to talk to you again, really miss you guys out there, so this time I have an order to talk about the difference between Thai silk and others such as, Chinese silk, Indian silk so let’s start for the information of Thai silk.

     Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms and actually, most of the Thai silks are from Khorat. So, Khorat province is the center of the silk industry in Thailand and it has been like this for many many generations and it will be like this for very long time because in Khorat province, they have prepared the place for the Thai silk industry for making with a good quality and they are really professional because Thai silk is actually in the Thai project of OTOP (it called One Tambon One Product) which means that in every Tambon or province must represent one good product from there to be sold or to be exported which has to be represented that province to increase the number of visitors.

     So, let’s talk about the Chinese silk, China is one of the first countries that produce the silk as you can see that in the Chinese movie that the king and the queen are wearing Chinese silk. And the quality of Chinese silk is smooth and satiny but it is actually expensive so just only richer could offer and for the Indian silk is actually softer than Chinese silk but it includes with lots of color and for             Thai silk is really smooth and soft because it made by the hands of the professionals or it is a handicraft product so I can guarantee that Thai silk is one of the beautiful silk in the world.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Blog#6 Where to stay: Bangkok

     Well, if talking about where to stay in Thailand, I really love to say that home is the best place but in this case, Thailand has so many places to stay. Hotel is one of the choices that if the travelers go abroad and there is no place to stay. In hotel, there are really comfortable and really nice to stay because in hotel, the travelers have to nothing by their own but the providers will serve for what the travelers want. And if mentioned about hotel, Four season hotel in one of the best choices of mine.

     Four season hotel is one of the luxury hotels in Bangkok because the cost is quite expensive so that all of the services must be the best one for the customer because if the cost is expensive but the quality of the services is poor so nobody will pay for it but in this case, Four season hotel is already proved that they deserved the expensive price because every services are perfect.

     Four season hotel is located around the Chao Praya river, so that the travelers could enjoy the view there and they offer the very best thing to the customer and true Bangkok experience.

     The very luxury lobby which Four season hotel prefer to the travelers, it is really nice and the receptionists are also speaking English very well so that the foreigners will have no problem for the communication.

     Madison restaurant, one of the restaurant in Four season hotel, it looks great and also with the services, they will only serve the very best food for the customer, especially with Thai food for example, Pad-Tai, Tom-yum-kung.

     The very best spa, the customer will enjoy for the massaging in hotel with the good smells of the herbs and chill music which could make the customer feel comfortable and most of the customers recommended that Thai massage is the best one.

     Premier room, this room is the standard room in Four season hotel and most of the customer prefer to stay in this room because the atmosphere is really great, the customer could see the view of Chao Praya river and it is very beautiful.

     So, I would like to recommend you that Four season hotel is one of the best choices of mine and those are my suggestion, hope you guys enjoy :)

Blog#5 Tourism Thailand: Perfect destination

     Well, I'm coming back guys, really miss to share my stories to all of you. So, the topic that i am going to talk about for today is that "Perfect destination for tourism in Thailand" so, in this case, I haven't mentioned that I live in Bangkok so firstable, I have to say that I have no idea for the perfect destination in Thailand it is like there are lots of beautiful places to visit.
     Phuket, I have been there before and it was a really nice place to visit. Have you ever imagined that the sound of waving and smell of sands and you are drinking coconut juice, goshhh, it was extremely great. In Phuket, there are so many places for the travelers to visit for example like 5 stars hotels, they have prepared the very best services for the visitors and the best Thai's food which you will not forget and the most interesting place is beach, there are so many beaches in Phuket, for example, Patong, Karoon. and I have been to Patong beach, this beach is the famous beach in Phuket, it includes with the beautiful views, great people who is always smiling, lots of restaurants so I recommend you that Phuket is one of the best destination in Thailand.

     I can guarantee that you will not forget for the experiences if you visited Phuket. It is such a very nice place and also with the perfect atmosphere and also with people. well, before I leave, I would like to thanks all of the supporters for visiting my blogs. by the way, Phuket is great :P